ZELIX Business Model
ZELIX Marketplace Fees
NFT Marketplace fees is 5% of every transaction taking place in ZELIX NFT Marketplace. Users and partners can form NFT freely at any time. Royalty can be set up to 10%. And the profit will be created every time the NFT which I created is sold as secondary work in the ZELIX NFT Marketplace.
ZELIX Shop Fees
When materials are purchased for building or item at shops in any ZELIX area, shop fees incurs % of every transaction. And the certain % of fees incur in addition to the fees which go to guild if the shop is operated by the guild.
Company advertisement fees
For advertisement placed in each area of ZELIX or advertising boards such as VR, landmark which ZELIX produces, or braded contents at a company’s request, etc., companies pay fees for advertisement. And all of the advertisement becomes the profit source for ZELIX.
LAND Auction fees and transaction fees
There are special LANDs which can be purchased via auction in addition to LAND provided to individual users and guilds as basic property. And auction fees and fees incurring if the LAND is traded via separate trade process in the future will be the profit source of ZELIX.
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